Sunrise Butterfly

Sacrifice is a part of life, it’s present in every moment when we make a decision. To make a choice is a luxury we have as human beings; the free will of action is our freedom. 

But just as in nature our life is cyclical. We continuously move through the stages where like a butterfly we can transform and leave the safety of a cocoon behind or make a different choice and sacrifice our own transformative awakening. These choices are constantly made both on a personal as well as collective levels.

Butterfly transforms from one stage to the other, it’s body becomes liquid in the process. This symbolic process of death and rebirth can be translated to our lives as human species. In this transformation we are given a choice to awake to our true nature and purpose. This calling is universal for everyone but only few choose to follow it out of their free will. 

There is mystical and ephemeral beauty in the metamorphosis of every sunrise and the opportunity to wake up and keep waking up each day. ‘Sunrise butterfly’ is an explicit expression of the mystery hidden within the process of sacrifice.


Inner alchemy